L&L China editor Kevin Liu interviews the management team of the label printing branch of PEIAC, the Printing and Printing Equipment Industries Association of China: Qiu Xiaohong, general secretary; Li Chunjie, managing vice president; Yao Yi, managing vice president; and Tan Junqiao, honorary president.
Labels and Labeling thumbnail

L&L: General secretary Qiu Xiaohong, can you introduce the major team leaders of the label printing branch, and the functions and position of the label printing branch within PEIAC?

Qiu Xiaohong: Right now there are four honorary presidents in our branch, respectively Tan Junqiao, Yang Jinghua, Xu Wencai, and Zhangqi. And the president of our branch is Lin Guanxiong (Zhongshan Fuzhou). There are also managing vice presidents Qi Heliang (Taiyo), Dong Ninghui (ZiQuan Label), Li Chunjie, Yao Yi (Luster) and Zhang Yuzhong (Meikei), and vice presidents Roman Lee (Brotec), Li Xiaocheng (Shanghai Hengze), Ren Zhijian (Qicai), Zhou Bingsong (Weigang), in all 21 people. I am the general secretary. The association leadership is elected every four years and the next general election will be in 2017.

The main purpose of the label printing branch is to push the sound and steady development of the Chinese label industry, as well as the whole industrial supply chain. Our mission is to provide a bridge between printers, suppliers and government. As the bridge, the association will submit the mutual requirements of the label industry and enterprises to higher government authorities. At the same time, we shall assist the authorities in carrying out the government’s industrial development plan and industrial policies along with stipulations and relevant laws, in order to maintain fair industry competition and promote the label industry’s development and technical progress.

L&L: Can you clarify the status of the label branch – for example, how many members do you have and how many are label printers?

Qiu Xiaohong: We now have 300 members, of which there are 100 label printers in enterprises all across China.

L&L: What is your vision for development over the next five years?

Li Chunjie: Firstly, in the 13th national plan, the government has stated its vision for the development of China in the next five years. The role of PEIAC’s label branch will be to examine global economic and technology developments over this period and to encourage the Chinese label industry to adapt to these trends. Secondly, we want to push ‘intelligent’ technical innovation in the label industry, particularly in the direction of green, or sustainable, printing, and make this into a mainstream process. In addition we want to liaise outside China with a view to looking at export markets for Chinese printers and suppliers.

As a member of the worldwide label association, PEIAC’s label printing branch will look to communicate more closely with label associations in other countries and promote the whole industry for involvement in more international events. We are planning to develop new regulations and rules in line with international standards, and help promote the prize-winning Chinese converters and suppliers at worldwide label events to lift and strengthen our national printing level. We will also join in more award judging with the worldwide label associations and look to take our new message to international forums.

In essence, our future vision is to promote the industry to be in line with worldwide standards, and to expand our international development activities.

Read the full article in L&L issue 6, 2016, and here

Kevin Liu

  • Former China editor