AWAVirtual hosts M&A Executive Forum 2021

Deal flow in a post-Covid environment and sustainability impact on M&A have been announced as the main subjects of this year’s AWAVirtual Mergers & Acquisitions Executive Forum for the Packaging and Labeling Sector.

The event, organized by AWA Alexander Watson Associates, will be hosted online on June 7, 2021 on AWAVirtual portal

The event, organized by AWA Alexander Watson Associates, will be hosted online on June 7, 2021 (3 pm CEST) on AWAVirtual - the platform of virtual industry events complimenting AWA’s traditional physical conferences and seminars.

The program will include a mix of presentations, roundtables, and interactive panel discussions, bringing together C-level executives, private equity firms, investment bankers, and suppliers to discuss M&A drivers and trends in the packaging and labeling sector.

Participation in the sessions is free, and registration is possible on the AWA website, where program details are also available.