New cogeneration plant at Torraspapel's Sant Joan les Fonts site

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Torraspapel, part of the Lecta Group, plans to install a new combined cycle cogeneration plant at its coated paper mill in Sant Joan les Fonts, in Girona, Spain. The 24.9 MW plant will be operational in the summer of 2011, and represents an investment of 32 million euros.  

Cogeneration is an efficient power generation system, permitting simultaneous production of electrical and thermal energy for industrial consumption, thus saving on primary energy use and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while also enhancing industrial competitiveness.  

In addition to the industrial benefits of cogeneration, it brings advantages to the region where the plant is located: an enhanced electricity supply, more efficient power distribution and reduced dependence on external sources.    

With this new cogeneration facility, a total of five Torraspapel mills – Zaragoza, Sarrià, Leitza, Motril and Sant Joan – now use high-efficiency energy systems. 

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